14th of May 2023   |   News    |    “Mortadelo and Filemon” ، Spanish 3D ، anti-Hollywood

“Mortadelo and Filemon”: different, exciting, anti-Hollywood

“Mortadelo and Filemon”: different, exciting, anti-Hollywood

The animated film “Mortadelo and Filemon” has about 20 Main and supporting characters, with almost half of these characters having an influential and memorable presence on the drama trail.

“Mortadelo and Filemon” is a 2014 Spanish 3D computer-animated comedy co-written, directed and edited by Javier Fesser based on the characters from the Mort & Phil comic book series. It achieved six nominations for the 29th Goya Awards, winning in the Best Adapted Screenplay and Best Animated Film categories, and two for the second edition of Premios Feroz.

After installing his 30th Vault, Super, the head of the spy agency called "T.I.A" (a play on the name C.I.A, also a spy agency) receives a message from Jimmy "The Crazy" The agency's main enemy successfully steals the vault, Super calls the unlucky Phil and his sidekick Mort (After the first one had a dream where he was respected and admired by everyone), when he discovers that a guy he held in jail named Tronchamulas (Trunkmules) has escaped, and thirsty with rage to apply the technique of "El aquello" (turn the victim inside out).

The animation has about 20 Main and supporting characters, with almost half of these characters having an influential and memorable presence on the drama trail. The presence of a large number of characters is also a strategic preparation for raising the rhythm of the work, which was undoubtedly one of the main goals of the filmmaker.

The characters enter the story very quickly, and at the same rate, they play their role and influence the drama, so that almost none of these characters can be called Extra or extra.

Overall, this animation is a spectacular offer for those who want to move away from the Hollywood anime space to some extent and watch something different with a sharp beat and a voluminous music and a character drama.