Piano Heads to Japan
The animation "Piano," directed by Marjan Keshani and Shahab Shamsi, has been selected to compete in the second edition of the Kumadori Animation Festival, Japan.
According to the Public Relations Office of the Documentary, Experimental, and Animation Cinema Expansion Center, "Piano," a creation of this center, has made its way into the international competition section of the Kumadori Animation Festival (Kumadori means stop-motion in Japanese) in Tokyo, Japan. The animation "Piano" delves into the theme of war and its impact on human life.
The "Kumadori" festival specializes in showcasing short stop-motion animated films. This year, among the submitted works, 30 films will be displayed during the 4-day competition.
The festival aims to foster and promote animation and visual arts in Japan and worldwide while nurturing talent through competition for stop-motion animation works, including those from Japan. This year, the festival is scheduled to run from the 10th to the 13th of December.
The international distribution of "Piano" is under the responsibility of the International Department of the Documentary, Experimental, and Animation Cinema Expansion Center.